I have to admit that I am having a tough time coming to grasp with the fact that the way I act at work has to differ from the way I act outside of it. Sure, I shouldn't talk to my clients/customers the same way I talk to my friends, but that's probably because they won't understand a single word I tell them. But does this mean that I shouldn't talk to them as regular people, and should only address them as professionals? Or should I refrain from being my happy-go-lucky self as some people may think such a positive outlook is annoying?
My response?...... The hell with it.
So what if some people are annoyed by the fact that Wednesday's are my favorite day of the week and that I wake up every morning with the energy of a freaking rocket? That's who I am. It's in my DNA. Don't blame me. Blame genetics.
But it is this exact type of thinking that's caused me to feel like I'm the professional version
Zack Morris from Bayside High. Which makes it only natural for the Principal Belding's of the world to have a love/hate relationship with my way of being. They hate that I tend to be a little too eclectic for their liking, yet they love watching me build relationships with colleagues, clients, and yes even the cleaning people.
Zack Morris from Bayside High. Which makes it only natural for the Principal Belding's of the world to have a love/hate relationship with my way of being. They hate that I tend to be a little too eclectic for their liking, yet they love watching me build relationships with colleagues, clients, and yes even the cleaning people.
Yes, I'm that guy; the fun but productive type. The type who actually believes it is possible to do your job without having to be miserable and hating life. Quite frankly, I think the happier you are, the more productive you are. But for some odd reason the same world that applauds Steve Jobs' innovativeness and unconventional actions chooses to penalize those who don't follow ALL of the unwritten rules of business.
Personally, I think most people love the innovator........when they don't have to deal with them. However, when that person is active in their lives and is questioning the way things are being done, most of the time, they are penalized for it. Those in charge resort to the “how-can-you-question-my-methods-when-I've-been-doing-this-for-20-plus-years” argument.
Please note that although I look up to, and value, those who have credible experiences, I do believe that the moment someone reserves to a function of time (which also happens to be the ONE thing in this world we can't control) as their sole argument to demonstrate their superiority, they have failed. And this is where my battle with professionalism starts.
I'm expected to act a certain way, to talk a certain way, hell, even to think a certain way. To be professional, I must act in a way that is within the unwritten rules of business. However, fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm stubborn and think this is a bunch of horse shhhhhhhh...oes. Horse shoes, you dirty mind (I'm trying to stop cursing as it is not considered professional to do so).
You see I try to live by a certain model and that is that I rather be considered unprofessional and genuine, than be thought of as professional but full of shit. Oopps. I cursed.... I told you I'm still a work in progress.
But this is just my unqualified opinion.....